Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Spirit of Joy

I believe having a spirit of joy is essential for every one of us, not just those walking through trials.   Our attitude about life affects every area of our lives and the people around us.   Having a joyful spirit can be infectious.   Remember the Lord told us to "Consider it pure joy, my dear brothers, for when you face trials of many kinds, for the testing of your faith, will develop perserverance."   James 1:2

Take a minute to ponder on this devotion.

"But let all who take refuge in you rejoice, let them ever sing for joy;" - Psalm 5:11a

Possessing a spirit of joy is essential on this journey with cancer. Joy is an amazing gift from God. Joy is a spirit of trust, confidence and calm that helps us transcend all the challenges we face. Joy grants us serenity in spite of the turmoil within and around us. Joy infuses us with a sense of well-being even as we face the most difficult problems. Joy is a refuge in times of trouble. Joy is a balm that soothes our souls no matter what threatens our lives. Joy enables us to rise above our physical circumstances to experience hope and peace. That is a gift in which we truly can rejoice.

O Lord, I need this joy in my life today. I cannot be knocked down and pushed around and survive without the refuge you give. I’m looking to you today to help me find your joy alive in everything I do. Amen.

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