Thursday, September 24, 2009

A devotion I received.....

"And do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one." - Matthew 6:13

God does not give us this disease called cancer. God does not strike us with hardship or harm us through retribution. God seeks only to save us from destruction and deliver us from all that keeps us from living fully the life we were created to live. God simply wants us to know and experience the peace, hope, joy and love that God knows. When we place our trust in God and look to God in everything we do, we can begin to experience God’s ultimate will for us every day. In that we will be saved from evil and delivered from debilitating distress.

When I am in anguish and pain, I know I need to remember that you can deliver me from falling into despair. I know, too, that you can save me from my own destructive fears. O God, I need you today and I thank you for never leaving my side. Amen.

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