Sunday, June 14, 2009

Let Your Mind Dwell On Things Above - Some random thoughts

As the scripture tells us, "let your mind dwell on things above"...where the heart of the Lord is. As we've walked through the past eleven months, we have certainly been learning about taking captive our thoughts. Some days we have had to really focus on what is true. We have learned that He is passionately seeking us in this situation. He is not caught off guard by all of this and he's not pacing the throne room of heaven. As Corrie Ten Boom said, "There is no panic in heaven tonight." He has us securely in His grasp of absolute perfect love. It's so hard when we can't understand what He's up to when trials come our way, but I can truly tell you that our hearts have been consumed with His peace that surpasses understanding. From the human viewpoint it seems ridiculous to talk about peace at a time like this, but from God's perspective...this is a curve in His sovereign plan for us. That is what makes our perspective totally different from the world's perspective. The lessons we have learned and will learn through all of this are worth it. We have a sure faith in a loving God and the world has nothing. Praise Jesus that He is going to walk every step of the way through this with us!

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