Monday, April 25, 2011

Just wanted to share that the CT scan shows the fluid is GONE, there are less cells than last time, and that the radiation on the esophagus is decreasing! This is an answer to my prayer request! God is good!

It was hard for the nurses to find my veins this time, so instead of three sticks, I got five this time. I will be calling in the morning to see about getting a mediport appointment in May for sure. :-) Dr. Walker wants me to stop the inhaler and thinks that is what has been causing me to be so hoarse. Also, the chemo I'm taking causes sinus issues, so it could be that. We'll try dropping the inhaler now that the fluid is less and hope that takes care of the hoarseness. I surely hope so. If you could pray about the hoarseness and that the sinus issues would be minimal that would be great.

I finally got the nerve up to ask the doctor today as I know many of you have asked when will I be finished with chemo. I am on a maintenance dose of chemo on a four week schedule. The type of lung cancer I have responds to this mixture of chemo as long as you stay on the maintenance dose. If you stop the chemo, within four to six weeks, the cancer would multiply rapidly. So, at this point, I will be continuing the maintenance dose . Of course, we are still trusting the Lord for complete healing. As long as I'm not sick with any other illnesses or the chemo tiredness, I am able to function at about 80% of what I used to do, so I am thankful for that. The Lord has helped me through 2.4 years now and I'm trusting him to restore my health and that I will live a long time.

I am thankful for each prayer you have prayed on our behalf! May each of you be blessed for your faithfulness to pray for us.

In Him,


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I'm still here. I'm sorry to have not updated before now, but we had

a hard winter with lots of sickness in our family.   Our family has never been so sick before.   My husband managed to stay well, thank the Lord.    We have variations of the flu, bronchitis, strep throat, pneumonia, sinusitis, and the common cold from mid-February until two weeks ago.   I am still recovering from pneumonia and strep throat, but praise the Lord, I feel better than I did a week ago.    I got very weak from the strep throat because I couldn't eat since my throat hurt so bad.   I have been SO hungry for the past two weeks so I've been trying to eat and drink as much as I can.   It's helping me to get stronger.   I am also on Prednisone so that isn't helping my appetite.   I'm usually not phased by Prednisone, but I have been this time.

I'm really glad to see spring come.   This winter was very hard for me and I've struggled with depression.   Being sick on top of that has left me a little battle weary.   I've not been this low spiritually since all of this began.   I'm trying to read or listen to the Word more often and watching what comes out of my mouth.   I so want to have confidence in what His Word says and that that Truth will nestle deep down inside of me again.   I want it to be life to me again.    Please pray I can get my eyes back on Him and his Word and not on the circumstances.

I will be having a CT scan on Monday to see if the fluid they saw two months ago has gone.    Please pray that it is and that there are no new cancer cells.    Also, please be praying that the radiation that is on my esophagus is gone.   I had radiation in that area back in October and the last CT scan showed it was still there.   That combined with the chemo makes me cough a lot.   I'm praying that they won't find anything and that the Lord will heal me of this dreadful disease.   Cancer changes your life in many ways, some good and some bad.

I do have some praises that are worthy to be mentioned and He deserves the glory for them.    We received a check for a large amount of money a few months ago from a group of people.   I don't know who they are as the card was not signed.   If you were amongst that group of people, THANK YOU for the blessing!!!   It was timely and greatly needed.    We appreciate your generosity so much!    My daughter received the money she needs for the summer school session she has to take, praise God!    The Lord has been blessing my husband with extra work to earn extra money at his job.   That is a huge praise in this economy!   We have many extra expenses with medical bills, food and medicine needs, and of course, as you all are experiencing as well, the cost of living just keeps rising.   We are thankful for his job and that we have very good insurance.    So far this year, my medical charges have been over $200,000 and it's only April.   Thankfully, most of what we have to pay is a $35.00 co-pay and our $1500 deductible, but that does add up quickly when you go to the doctor at least three times a month.    I just have to trust the Lord with all of it because it is way too big for me.  

Thank you for continuing to follow my blog and for your continued prayers for our family!   Please pray that the Lord will heal me completely.   I am trusting Him for that.

God bless you,
