Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I just want to shout!!!!

I had a CT scan done today to see how things are progressing with my treatment.   The doctor just called with the results. He said everything looks VERY GOOD! He said the tumor has shrunk from 2 inches to a 1/2 inch! Praise God!!!!!  I do need ya'll to pray about one thing though.  The radiologist doesn't have anything to compare with so I'm to get a copy of the previous MRI to them next week.  From the radiologist report, there are areas that look like metastatis, but my doctor talked to the radiologist and they agreed that because I'm doing so well, that more than likely (notice emphasis) it is where healing is taking place or scar tissue.  My doctor told me not to worry because he said it is hard to distinguish this in the lung especially if you don't have anything to compare it to. The radiologist agreed with him that if it has metastasized, we would be seeing symptoms of that and we're not.  Remember all this started with back pain and I have NO pain in my body!!  Praise God!!

So, please continue to pray that when the radiologist sees the previous MRI and compares this to the CT next week, that he will confirm that this is healing tissue, not metastatis.  I'll let you know as soon as I know.

As we wrap up the year, it's been an extraordinary year to say the least.  God has been so good to us and has never left us to walk this path alone.  I've never felt his presence like I have this year.  The peace that passes all understanding has been a gift He has given to us, one I can't quite explain, but know it has been so precious.  The lessons we've learned, the prayers we've seen answered, the love we've experienced, the grace He has given to sustain us have been a gift.  I know people think I'm crazy when I say that this cancer diagnosis has been a gift, but when you really think about it, it is.  I've learned to rely on the Father in a way I have never known before.  I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world.  We're in the palm of His hand, right where He wants us to be.

For each prayer you've prayed for us, for the phone calls, the emails, the cards, and other expressions of love and concern, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  This year will not be forgotten.  It's all written down on paper. Who knows, one day it might be a book.  My prayer is that He receives all the glory for the great things He has done.  My spirit just shouts on the inside with excitement about all He has done and will do in the future!  "I will recount the gracious deeds of the Lord, the praiseworthy acts of the Lord, because of all the Lord has done for us,"… Isaiah 63:7a,b

May the New Year be one where we all find ourselves seeking His face more each day, drawing closer to Him, and learning to walk closer with Him! May it be filled with love, joy, peace, and good health for each of us! Thanks for sharing the journey with us!

Living with hope,

Monday, December 28, 2009

Answer me when I call, O God of my right! ~ Psalm 4:1a

In so many of our lives today, when we phone others we get busy signals. Or we quickly get put on hold. Or our calls are screened. Or we must navigate through a dozen messages in order to reach who we need. Or we have to leave a message that never gets returned. It's especially frustrating when we are seeking answers that directly impact on our health and lives. In our desperation and anxiety we want to reach the ones who can help us without complication or delay. But with God it is not complicated. With God there is no delay. Because God is already at work even before we ask or know what to ask. God is the One whose line is always open, who never screens us and who is never too busy to hear.

I remember that you are always listening, even when I am not calling to you. Your ear is already waiting for my voice. Your hands are already creating a solution for me. Thank you for always being ready for me, O God. Amen.

Friday, December 18, 2009

This was my devotion for today.   I think it is a pretty powerful one.

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power." ~ Ephesians 6:10

Trust. Confidence. Resolve. Hope. A positive vision. These things are of God. They give us strength. They empower us. They supply us with the courage to face the uncertain future before us. We need each of these things to help us react to all that lies ahead with a healthy attitude and with grace. The gifts we need for healing, like these, all come from the One who is an endless source of support and sustenance for us. We do not have to travel on this road alone, left to our own limited knowledge and skills. But we can certainly rely on God to supply us with every gift necessary to find exactly what we need.

I can't do this alone, O Lord. I need your power to help me find my way. Don't let me try to find healing without you. Remind me of my own limitations and of your infinite care and love. Amen.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

We are all significant in God's eyes

"Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? " - Matthew 6:26

One of the things I've learned through my walk with cancer is that we are all signficant in God’s eyes.  I knew I was important before the diagnosis, but after the diagnosis, I really knew, if that makes sense.     Up until that time, I never saw myself as being a real vital part of this big world we live in.   I knew the Lord loved me, but after the diagnosis, the Lord showed me truly how much He loves me through the body of Christ.  I remember days going by when all I could do was cry.   I've never cried such big tears and there was nothing I could do to stop them.  They just kept coming.   A friend told me tears bring healing and I could certainly use some healing.    He truly holds each of us in the palm of His hand.

Realizing that I am valued  in God’s kingdom is one of the most vital gifts we can give ourselves. Knowing how much God wants us to believe we are created in a divine image can change our outlooks in many positive ways no matter what we are facing.  When we comprehend how much God loves us and wants to help us, our lives are renewed and transformed. We are changed for the better when we believe inherently that God cares for us deeply and that God’s only will is for us to have only the best of life and love.

My value in your eyes is ultimately impossible for me to understand, dear Lord. The love you have for me is far more deep and strong than I can ever know. But as I grow more aware, I thank you for the way it gives me hope and new life. Amen.