Tuesday, June 30, 2009

An awesome praise report.....

Wanna hear some good news? We were informed that the radiation bill has been PAID IN FULL!!!!! This bill was definitely the largest bill we've received. Radiation is not cheap. This is an amazing answer to our prayers! The Lord has truly been so good to us! Thank you to each of you who have prayed about this with us.

I think this verse pretty much sums up what's gone on in our lives the past few months: "Now to him who is able to accomplish abundantly far more than all we can ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work in us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." - Ephesians 3:20-21

Living with hope,


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Peace is a Person

Someone shared this on our homeschool board recently. It is such a powerful message that I had to share it with you. I had never truly experienced this kind of peace until I was diagnosed with cancer back in January. I was walking with the Lord before all of this happened, but finding this kind of peace has truly been a gift. He had given me peace about situations before, but when this "storm" came into my life, the peace I've experienced has been a priceless gift. Sure, there have been days that I have had battles in my mind and spirit, but once I would get a new perspective by being encouraged by a friend, spending time worshipping Him or reading the Word, this peace would come back. My only regret is I wish I had learned this earlier on in my life, but I'm so thankful I have experienced it now. I pray this message blesses you as it did me.

Peace isn’t a place we live in.
PEACE is a person.

The house—and me—spins: laundry, school lessons, library books, basketball games, bills, phone calls, meals, dishes, women’s Bible Studies, diapers. Too often, I am dizzy: Anyone know how to get off? In the whirl of it all, I crave retreat, sanctuary, monastery.

On the milestone of my thirtieth birthday a few years ago, my sister-in-law presented me with a journal embossed with one simple word: PEACE. I cried. It was all I wanted. Just that one simple, frustratingly elusive word: PEACE. The homeschooling mother of (then) five young children, eight years of age and under, I was desperate, at a breaking point, for some place of serenity. I held the journal in my hands, lip trembling, tears streaming. PEACE. How could I find it? I had to find it.

I went for walks down through the woods, sat by the pond, journaled, prayed. Peace was short-lived, the angst tightening its relentless grip as I walked home: How could I fold art study into our school days? How could I make weekly, even monthly, date times with each of the children? How might I persuade the baby to sleep through the night so I could be a more attentive wife?
I went away to a cottage for a few days, read Gift from the Sea and soaked in the Psalms. Peace pooled around my toes, wetting me, quenching me…and then ebbed away again, lost at sea, as waves of worries flooded in: How could I balance my own creative, intellectual pursuits, my own spiritual growth, in the midst of the paramount endeavor of discipling these little people for the Lord’s glory?

I had thought somewhere quiet would ensure peace. It didn’t. I was still in my skin. Peace wasn’t a place I could find on a map, or even a place that I could create. Peace wasn’t a place to live in.

I came home to the noise, embraced the kids, and laughed loud and long. Peace wasn’t “out there.” He was here. Peace was a Person I could listen to.

No matter how boisterous and chaotic it gets in here, the Prince of Peace has moved in too, living here in the midst of this rambunctious, exuberant family.

In the rush and the roar of it all, I have to bend my ear to catch it:

“Listen carefully to what God the Lord is saying, for he speaks peace to His faithful people” (Ps. 85:8).

He leans down low and if I choose to listen carefully, over the cry of the baby, the scream of the toddler, the stomp of the disgruntled student, and the beep of the stove timer, I hear His voice, low and soft: Peace… Peace…Peace.

I crawl out of bed, ready to get dressed and head out, not to some rustic respite in the mountains somewhere, but into the fray of family living. For “the Lord of Peace Himself gives [me] His peace at all times, and in every situation” (2 Thess. 3:16).

How to find Peace in the crush of motherhood? Peace may come fleetingly as a reviving, necessary place, but, like a fog burning off in the heat of the day, peace as a place will dissipate. For enduring Peace, look for a Person whispering the word softly to your anxious heart: Peace, peace, peace. Seek a Person, the very Lord of Peace, who is willing to give you his very own abiding, unwavering peace.

Places come and go; tokens and pictures tucked in scrapbooks. Tickets and reservations are expensive, the cost of coffee adds up.

This Person, though? He will never leave you nor forsake you, and is close as breath upon your cheek. Peace is a Person with whom we live, keep company with, commune with.

Hear Him now, above the din? Peace. Peace.

Lord, I find Peace, wherever, whatever, when I live in You. Please, Lord. Today, let Your peace fall softly, come what may.

Posted by Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience

Thursday, June 18, 2009

God didn't promise days without pain,
laughter without sorrow, sun without rain,
but he did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the tears and light for the
way. If God brings you to it, He will
bring you through it.

I put this saying on my outgoing emails setting about a year ago. I never knew how true it was until I was diagnosed with cancer this year. Take a minute to read through it and really hear what it is saying. Thank you, Lord, for your amazing love for each of us. Thank you that you care about each and every single detail in our lives and that nothing catches you off guard. A friend told me early on in this cancer journey that "there is no panic in heaven tonight". It's a quote from Corrie Ten Boom. I haven't forgotten it, trust me. Isn't it amazing that God knows every single detail about every one of US? Sometimes it's hard to wrap my mind around that.

May your day be blessed as you seek His face!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The race set before us....

"Let us run with perserverance the race marked out for us". Hebrews 12:1.

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him." James 1:12

We have a race to run with this battle against cancer. Everyday we have to make a decision. Are we going to run the race put before us or are we going to stop fighting? God has called us to persevere. He will give us the strength we need.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Let Your Mind Dwell On Things Above - Some random thoughts

As the scripture tells us, "let your mind dwell on things above"...where the heart of the Lord is. As we've walked through the past eleven months, we have certainly been learning about taking captive our thoughts. Some days we have had to really focus on what is true. We have learned that He is passionately seeking us in this situation. He is not caught off guard by all of this and he's not pacing the throne room of heaven. As Corrie Ten Boom said, "There is no panic in heaven tonight." He has us securely in His grasp of absolute perfect love. It's so hard when we can't understand what He's up to when trials come our way, but I can truly tell you that our hearts have been consumed with His peace that surpasses understanding. From the human viewpoint it seems ridiculous to talk about peace at a time like this, but from God's perspective...this is a curve in His sovereign plan for us. That is what makes our perspective totally different from the world's perspective. The lessons we have learned and will learn through all of this are worth it. We have a sure faith in a loving God and the world has nothing. Praise Jesus that He is going to walk every step of the way through this with us!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

We're praising the Lord at our house!!

I had a chest xray done this morning. The radiologist report reads that there has been significant improvement in the right lung since the last xray was done!!! This is such good news to our ears! The oncologist was so encouraged and said, "THIS is fabulous news!" and gave me the thumbs up with a huge grin on his face. God has been so good to hear the prayers of His people! Needless to say, we are floating on a cloud right now.

I also had routine bloodwork done and all of that, but two things came back showing improvement, so that is a praise as well! The other two just need a little bit more work and they will be within the test limits. Both the oncologist and thyroid doctor were very pleased with what they have seen and said to keep doing what we're doing. I am also thankful that the nurse was able to find a good vein to do my calcium iv in this afternoon.

We are confident that He who began a good work, will be faithful to complete it. This journey has been an amazing one in so many ways. We can look back and see so many ways He has had His hand on the whole journey. He has been faithful and has never left us. When we felt like we were fighting the battle alone, we asked Him to raise up intercessors. Some of you have commented that "out of the blue" you would feel led to pray for us. We think those were the times we called on Him. Your prayers have held us up and we could not have gotten this far without them. We have truly learned that there is power in prayer. We are learning to trust the Father in a way we have never known.

I will praise You, O LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders.” Psalm 9:1

Living with Hope,


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A devotion to share with you.....

I received this devotion in my email box the other day and wanted to share it with you. I hope it ministers to you as it did me.

"I will lead the blind by a road they do not know, by paths they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I will do, and I will not forsake them."
Isaiah 42:16

God is always in front of us to show us a new way when we do not know the way to go. God is always above us to pierce the darkness so that we may see what we need to see. God is always around us to help us walk with confidence when we find ourselves going in directions completely unknown and uncertain to us. God will always see us through whatever we encounter day by day. We have this everlasting and eternal assurance from ancient days to now.

Remind us that you do not forget us, O God. Remind us that you do not forget our fear and our pain. Remind us that you remember our needs and meet us where we are, to show us where we need to be. Amen.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I had to take a blogging break.

After I worked on this blog, I got busy with finishing up another year of homeschooling. I am still homeschooling two of our three children. I have a rising 7th grader and a rising 10th grader. My purpose in having this blog is to be able to share what the Lord has done in our lives through our cancer journey. He has been so faithful to our family! He deserves all the glory for what He has done since the end of January. I will post more about this amazing journey in the coming weeks. I pray that this will be a blessing to you as I share how abundantly blessed we are as we go through this journey.

"I will lift up mine eyes to the hills, from whence cometh my strength? My strength cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2